HOPEWELL: Republicans seem unprepared for township committee

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
Do the Republican candidates for Hopewell Township Committee even want the position? The question came up as my friends and I compared notes about their performance at Thursday’s debate.
Mr. Volpe and Mr. Nicolao were completely unprepared for the debate. Given two minutes to respond to questions about taxes, the budget, and development, they ran out of ideas after about forty seconds. They hadn’t looked at any of the issues in detail. Like middle-aged athletes reliving their glory days, they told stories about what they did decades ago without ever speaking knowledgeably about the issues we face in 2017. By the end of the night, Mr. Volpe couldn’t even get his own biography straight!
Campaigns are like job applications where residents get to select who will represent their best interests in the years ahead. Debates are like interviews where we see the applicants up close. I’ve never seen such a half-hearted campaign. Mr. Nicolao and Mr. Volpe seemed like two fraternity brothers who were interviewing for a job to please their parents when they’d rather be playing video games.
Representing 18,000 citizens is hard work. You’ve got to show up every day. Mr. Volpe and Mr. Nicolao don’t want to fight for your votes. What makes you think they’ll fight for your future as members of the township committee?
I’m voting for Mayor Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger on November 7. Please join me. They know the issues. They show up.
Jim Moore
Hopewell Township