Reader: Retain incumbents on East Brunswick School Board

I urge East Brunswick voters to return Susanna Chiu, Laurie Lachs and Todd Simmens to our Board of Education on Nov. 7.

Susanna, Laurie and Todd are advocates for quality public education that meets the needs of every child. As a concerned parent and resident, I know them to facilitate open dialogue between members of our community and the school district. In fact, under their leadership, the Board of Education held a community town hall and has developed goals based directly on community input – something I have never seen.

Ensuring a safe and secure place to learn and work is a priority of Susanna, Laurie and Todd. As board members, they have worked with the administration to bolster building security and establish programs to encourage respect among all students and staff.

Fiscal responsibility is also a priority. Susanna, Laurie and Todd are always looking for new ways to reduce our property tax burden, such as through utilizing our school facilities and launching new programs to generate revenue. And during their time on the board, we have seen some of the lowest property tax increases, and even a tax decrease.

Susanna Chiu, Laurie Lachs and Todd Simmens are committed to the best for our kids while keeping a check on our taxpaying community. This year, I am voting for them. I hope you will, too.

Marcia Frost
East Brunswick