Edison resident supports incumbents for the Board of Education

Writing as a private citizen and not as an Edison board member, I want to heartily endorse two board member candidates running for their second three-year term: Beth Moroney and Jerry Shi.

Retired in 2013 from the Edison schools, Beth Moroney has been an indefatigable worker for the school board and for the town, devoting countless hours to ensuring sound educational support for our students, staff, and parents. She has shown extraordinary leadership skills as vice president for the board, and chair for key board committees: curriculum/technology, policy and personnel, township liaison, library board, special education advisory council, and negotiating committees for teachers and custodians.

A fiscal conservative with tax dollars, Moroney is a superior communicator, combining high intelligence with heart and empathy for students, staff, parents, and taxpayers.

With an earned MBA and Masters in Science, Jerry Shi is a Six Sigma project manager in clinical operations for a major pharmaceutical company. Jerry Shi has been a mainstay of the J.P. Stevens High School Marching Band Parents Association, and has displayed leadership talents as chair of the Huaxia Chinese School. For the school board, Shi is the current chair of the finance and facilities committee, and has diligently served on the curriculum/technology committee, and the policy committee. Jerry Shi is chair for the bus driver negotiations committee, and has contributed significantly in collective bargaining with four other unions in the district.

Jerry Shi brings balance to the Edison school board, possesses solid integrity and character, and has been a major force in controlling tax increases for the citizens of Edison.

I urge your support on November 7th for these two superlative, experienced board members who will grapple with the overcrowding situation, and continue on the journey to excellence for our students and staff.

Frank Heelan

Edison Resident