HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Stop Overdevelopment. Say No to Nicolao.

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
I am writing in response to Luis Nicolao’s recent letter to the editor regarding affordable housing and his clearly uneducated scheme to make a land swap and push affordable housing development into Titusville and other parts of the township.
Mr. Nicolao’s letter told only part of the story of what he proposed at the League of Women Voter’s debate. Specifically, he suggested that we needed “to spread affordable housing development all over the township” and then when called on it, added that he thought the current Mercer County prison could be a suitable site for people seeking affordable housing.
Huh? Nicolao wants to spread affordable housing, including the associated sewer expansions to Titusville and all over the township? That would lead to unchecked development and sprawl in areas that we have long fought to protect and preserve, and goes against the principles of our master plan. Perhaps we should not be surprised given Republican leadership has twice previously tried to foist massive sewer expansion and the associated development on Hopewell Township. Rather than selling out to big developers, we need to dig in and fight against overdevelopment.
And suggesting that a prison is a suitable site for people seeking affordable housing? I can’t think of a more disrespectful and demeaning proposal. I’ve looked at who qualifies for affordable housing in Hopewell Township, and it includes police officers starting out, our teachers, and other hard-working professionals. It’s insulting to suggest we should put them on a remote prison site, particularly when this proposal would once again require water and sewers to be extended up Route 29, opening up broad swaths of the township to development.
It’s clear that Mr. Nicolao’s positions on development and affordable housing are based on his utter lack of knowledge of those issues and are inconsistent with long-standing Hopewell Township values. He’s on the wrong side of this issue.
By contrast, I have worked hard, along with others on the committee, to preserve Hopewell Township’s rural character. We stopped 600+ new homes on Carter Road and helped create the new Mt. Rose preserve. We blocked development outside existing sewer service areas, preventing sprawl. And we stood up to Chris Christie and his nonsensical proposal to reward big builders and allow 10 market rate units for every affordable one.
Let’s work together to stop overdevelopment and preserve Hopewell Valley’s rural character. Please vote for both Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger on November 7.
Kevin D. Kuchinski
Hopewell Township