PENNINGTON: Beware Lester’s twisted words

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
I am writing in response to Harvey Lester’s most recent letter to the editor on sewer expansion. Like previous Lester letters, this one is full of misleading statements and twisted logic. 
Perhaps we should not be surprised considering this is the same man who famously switched parties so that he could become mayor. It’s pathetic that in today’s era of “fake news,” some people will apparently do anything or say anything to advance their misguided agenda.
I watched the most recent Hopewell Township Committee closely, and wanted to directly address and refute Mr. Lester’s letter. 
First, the proposed waste water management plan reduces the net township acreage in a sewer service area, swapping in land that was already designated for affordable housing, but permanently protecting two other tracts on or near Route 31. It’s hard to fathom how a reduction in net acreage can accurately be characterized as expanded sewer access, as Mr. Lester suggests in his letter.
Second, Mr. Lester neglected to include several other pertinent facts in his letter. Specifically, the township will receive 170 acres along Washington Crossing Pennington Road and the banks of Jacob’s Creek. This will enable Hopewell Township to protect this viewshed corridor, and also create a 1,000 foot natural buffer along Jacob’s Creek. 
Democrats have a long history of fighting sewer expansion and the associated unchecked development, tracing back to their fight against John Hart’s proposed deal with the Trenton Sewer Authority and carrying forward to their rejection of the proposed ELSA expansion in more recent times.
By contrast, Republicans have twice worked to massively expand sewers in Hopewell Township. And earlier this month, one of the Republican candidates for township committee suggested that we should spread our affordable housing obligation around, in Titusville and other locations across the valley. This just doesn’t make sense.
Please join me in rejecting fake news and voting for experienced candidates with a proven track record of protecting Hopewell Township’s rural character.
On November 7, please vote for Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger for Hopewell Township Committee. 
Peter Sandford