Sponsor a wreath by Nov. 25 for Wreaths Across America

The Terra Nova Garden Club of Edison will sponsor the Wreaths Across America (WAA) ceremony at noon Dec. 17 at the Piscatawaytown Burial Ground, 2136 Woodbridge Ave., Edison.

Terra Nova’s goal is to place a wreath on every veteran’s grave in the cemetery with hopes to sell 103 wreaths at $15 each. Deadline for the orders to be placed in Maine is Nov. 19. The wreaths are trucked to all parts of the country so that the ceremony can be held on the same day and at the same time.

All truckers volunteer their equipment, gas and time to honor these men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The 45 minute  ceremony hosts a number of loyal participants, including veterans from all military services.

Anyone wishing to sponsor a wreath may contact Gloria Dittman at 732-548-9134 or email [email protected] before Nov. 25.