Eric Sucar

Task force will evaluate ways to make South River streets safer

SOUTH RIVER The Borough Council has approved the establishment of a Task Force for Safe Streets committee.

“The purpose of our Task Force for Safe Streets is to assist with our certification of Sustainable Jersey. Currently, Sustainable Jersey requires a policy or program within the borough to first audit our streets and give recommendations and/or policy on improvement of infrastructure within the borough’s right-of-way to improve the quality of life of all residents. These recommendations would assist in future developments and also look into future improvements as it fits the master plan, when feasible,” said Councilwoman Julie Meira, who is the council liaison to the borough’s Green Team.

The Green Team is the official body tasked to oversee efforts to fulfill the mission of Sustainable Jersey, according to officials.

Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School and Transit-Oriented Development are efforts that Sustainable Jersey deems important in order for a municipality to achieve certification, according to officials.

Complete Streets is a set of policies designed to ensure that infrastructure projects incorporate methodologies that are welcoming and friendly to all users of the road, regardless of transportation method, age or other traits. Safe Routes to School is a federal, state and local effort to make walking and bicycling to school safe and to encourage children to walk and bicycle to school, according to the council agenda. Transit-Oriented Development is compact, pedestrian-friendly and incorporates housing, retail and commercial growth within walking distance of public transportation, including commuter rail, light rail, ferry and bus terminals, according to the council agenda.

With the adoption of the ordinance on Oct. 23 to create the task force, the council can now appoint four residents to serve on the committee: two members to a three-year term, one member to a two-year term and one member to a one-year term. After the initial establishment, terms will become three years. Additionally, a member of the council will serve as a liaison.

“This task force would once again give the residents of South River the opportunity to be a part of the change by volunteering within our small community,” Meira said.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].