Freeholders still plugging away on road project design

The year was 1998. Disney’s Animal Kingdom opened at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Fla. The U.S. Supreme Court allowed Megan’s Law (sex offender notification) to stand. was registered as a domain name.

And on Nov. 12, the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders passed a resolution authorizing professionals at Maser Consulting to design road improvements at the intersection of Monmouth County Route 520 and Conover/Boundary roads at the border of Marlboro and Colts Neck.

That was the first, but not the last time the freeholders took action relating to the busy intersection that sits at the crest of a hill.

Following the dawn of a new century, the freeholders passed four more resolutions – in 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2013 – authorizing Maser Consulting to design road improvements at Route 520 and Conover/Boundary roads. The expenses for the firm’s work was capped at $294,231.

Now, 19 years after passing the first resolution, the freeholders have passed a sixth resolution and authorized Maser Consulting to perform additional engineering services relating to the planned improvements. The additional work will cost the county $62,918.

The firm said the funds are “for the cost of additional professional services required to perform revisions as necessary for final submissions of the plans,” according to the Oct. 26 resolution.

With all of Maser Consulting’s costs accounted for, the freeholders have capped the total cost of the design work at $357,149.

According to the resolution, “the design of the initial preferred alternative (IPA), which included the construction of sheet pile retaining walls adjacent to the road, was determined as not being a feasible alternative, which resulted in substantial changes from the IPA … these unanticipated design changes include extensive utility coordination and geometric design modifications, and the associated impacts to adjacent properties.”

On Oct. 30, Monmouth County Director of Communications Jennifer Nelson said, “We anticipate the plans, and thereby starting the work, for the summer of 2018. However, there is significant utility relocation involved in the work, as well as property and permit acquisitions which must take place so those may impact the schedule. That said, we remain focused on the summer of 2018 schedule date.”

In other action on Oct. 26, the freeholders authorized county professionals to execute a contract for the acquisition of a vacant parcel in the area of the intersection of Park Avenue (Monmouth County Route 527) and Conover Street in Englishtown in connection with planned improvements at that location.

The property will be purchased from Richard and Laura Van Cleaf for $10,700, according to the resolution.