Registration for Thanksgiving luncheon in Monroe ends Nov. 17

The Monroe Township Senior Center’s annual Community Cares Thanksgiving luncheon will be held at 12 p.m. on Nov. 23 at the senior center, 12 Halsey Reed Road.

Senior Center Director Bonnie Leibowitz has made it her personal mission to see that no resident eats alone on Thanksgiving. The public is invited for an afternoon of food and fun with neighbors and friends, both old and new.

For a nominal fee of $10, the luncheon will feature all the holiday staples and trimmings, including turkey, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and dessert.

A local boy scout troop will serve as the acting honor guard, a high school choral ensemble will perform for guests and visitors can take home a goodie bag and a personal keepsake photo from the event.

As an added twist, organizers are asking attendees to either legibly pen or print their favorite recipes and include a reason why they’re thankful, the culmination of which will be printed into a customized book at a later date.

Any Monroe Township resident interested in attending or volunteering at the 2017 Community Cares Thanksgiving luncheon is asked to contact a senior center representative to register by the Nov. 17 deadline at 609-448-7140.