JPS students serenade vets

EDISON — Selections from Rodgers and Hammerstein known for a string of popular Broadway musicals in the 1940s and 1950s, brought an air of nostalgia to the veterans living at the Menlo Park Veterans Memorial Home.

The John P. Stevens High School Orchestra, under the direction of Brian Verdi, performed at the Veterans Memorial Home on Oct. 19 in celebration of Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11.

The performance marked the opening of the new school year program for the orchestra.

Both the concert orchestra and chamber orchestra were in full attendance.

The concert orchestra played “Yesterday” by The Beatles and “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong.

The concert also featured a string quartet performing a Joseph Haydn string quartet. The chamber orchestra then played pieces from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and some selections from Rodgers and Hammerstein.

The Armed Forces Tribute culminated the evening and paid homage to the veterans who reside at the home.

After the concert, the students from the orchestra had the opportunity to mingle with the audience and to hear and learn the life stories of the Veterans.

Kelsey Cao, a sophomore in the orchestra, said the performance at the Veterans Memorial Home was a great experience.

“We got to practice playing as a group in front of an audience, and the atmosphere was very delightful,” she said. “I believed the audience enjoyed the concert and I also liked talking to the veterans after the concert as well.”

Daniel Zhan, a senior in the chamber orchestra, said not only did he like the casual atmosphere of the concert, but the ability to connect with the audience through conversation before and after the performances.

“I feel like we made a bigger difference playing music for veterans in a memorial home rather than playing for our parents and friends,” he said.