Sayreville Police Department promotes two officers

SAYREVILLE – Two officers in the Sayreville Police Department have been promoted to the rank of sergeant.

Police Chief John Zebrowski described Frank Olchaskey and Amy Noble as having “unassuming competence” during their swearing in ceremony on Nov. 13.

“[Unassuming competence] means the most sincerest type of excellence in doing your job,” Zebrowski said during the Borough Council meeting. “And tonight, we’re celebrating the promotion of two individuals [who] I think symbolize that type of competence, where it’s sincere and that it’s not for themselves, but for the mission of the police department.”

According to Zebrowski, both Olchaskey and Noble were previously acting sergeants.

“In that realm, what you’re doing is basically supervising your peers [and] waiting for this actual, formal promotion,” he said. “Not an easy job to do sometimes. And yet they did it. Tonight, we celebrate both.”

Olchaskey, according to Zebrowski, is working in the Uniformed Division as a sergeant.

“[Olchaskey is] probably like one of those lunch pail guys,” the police chief said. “Blue collar guy [who] works very hard for the department and looks out for the community, as well as the men and women [who] work under him.”

Noble is a sergeant in the department’s Identification Bureau, according to Zebrowski.

“[Noble] came in at a very difficult time because we were right in the middle of working on accreditation,” Zebrowski said. “She had jumped in and we had a ton of work to be done. And she did it.”