HOPEWELL: Deputy mayor gives thanks for push to inclusivity

Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
To the editor:
I would like to thank Lea Kahn and Hopewell Valley News for helping to spread the word about the resolution declaring Hopewell Township as a welcoming community (Nov. 24, “Committee Doubles Down on Message of Inclusivity”).
It is important for the community to understand that township services are available to all residents without regard to their immigration status. I would like to underscore an important point that did not make it into the article: my personal gratitude to the citizens who raised this issue seventeen months ago and, especially, to current and retired members of the Hopewell Township police department who responded to their concerns, patiently explained department procedures at church and community meetings, and reviewed several drafts of the proclamation and resolution.
In particular, I would like to thank Chief Lance Maloney, Lt. Chris Kascik, and Lt. Bill Springer who met with a group of concerned citizens during my office hours and demonstrated the kind of community partnership that makes Hopewell Township such a welcoming place to live and work.
Julie Blake
Deputy Mayor, Hopewell Township