Marlboro will hold Minds in Motion

MARLBORO – The Marlboro Recreation Department will hold a three-day Minds in Motion program during the winter break when schools are closed.

The first program, “Chemical Creations,” is for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Participants will conduct various experiments.

According to a flier from the township, participants will “learn and discover many different scientific concepts in an entertaining and innovative approach.”

The second program, “Kingii Dragon Robot,” is for children between the ages of 9 and 14. Participants will construct and take home their own robots.

According to a flier from the township, the creation is “based on the chalamydosaurus Kingii, or frilled lizard, (and is) a smart super lizard with artificial intelligence and one of the wackiest lizards to roam planet Earth.

“Kingii Dragon Robot has an infrared sensor that is programmed for two different  modes. If it is activated in the ‘escape’ mode, the robot will feel threatened, gape its mouth, dramatically spread and flap its frill, illuminate its bi-color LED eyes, and scurry away to safety. In the ‘follow-me’ mode, the robot will assess danger by bluffing the attacker. When the robot does not sense danger it might approach you like a pet lizard,” according to the flier.

The program will run from Dec. 26-28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Marlboro Recreation Community Center. The fee for “Chemical Creations” is $185 for Marlboro residents and $195 for non-residents. The fee for “Kingii Dragon Robot” is $190 for Marlboro residents and $200 for non-residents.

Pre-registration is required at listed under “School’s Out 2017.” The deadline to sign up is Dec. 23. Each child must bring a lunch, snack and drink each day.

During the winter break from school, the gym at the recreation center will be open to students on days when the weather is poor, according to municipal officials. For more information about the programs or to inquire about gym availability, call 732-617-0100 or email [email protected]