Sustainable Jersey upgrades Monroe to silver level

MONROE – Monroe has passed the rigorous requirements needed to qualify for Sustainable Jersey’s silver certification.

“This speaks volumes about the environmentally sound and eco-friendly measures that our community has taken,” Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro said in a prepared statement regarding the designation bestowed upon the town during the 2017 luncheon in Atlantic City on Nov. 15. “This is truly an honor for Monroe, our employees and our residents. Achieving this status has been a group effort and one that I’m proud to be a part of.”

In order to become one of the 48 towns that qualified, the township had to create a Green Team and submit documentation outlining township actions focused on environmental sustainability, such as emergency communication planning, energy efficiency, a community forestry plan and a bicycle and pedestrian plan, according to the statement.

Resident Renee Haider, a member of the township’s Environmental Commission and chairwoman of the Monroe Green Team’s Advisory Committee, helped lead efforts that secured the upgraded certification from the bronze level.

Throughout the information-gathering process, Haider had as many as 15 volunteers assisting her and the cooperation of any number of municipal departments, including the administration, department of public works, the library, the office of public information, the police division, planning and zoning, the clerk’s office and engineering, according to the statement.

“I want to thank the Green Team for all of their support and enthusiasm,” Haider said in the statement. “It’s a great group to work with and we hope to encourage more people in the township who are passionate about the environment and sustainability issues to join our team.”

The silver certification is valid for three years.

“Now, more than ever, the onus for making environmentally conscientious decisions has shifted to the states, communities and even individuals,” said Monroe Councilwoman Miriam Cohen, a Green Team member. “For the sake of humanity, it’s our responsibility to make the choices that will put us in a positive trajectory and safeguard our environment. Future generations are counting on us.”

Meetings for the Monroe Township Green Team are held every second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Monroe Township Library, 4 Municipal Plaza.

For more information on the Green Team, contact Haider at [email protected].