East Windsor to swear in three Township Council members

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
East Windsor Township Council members Denise Daniels, Alan Rosenberg and Perry Shapiro will be sworn into office for four-year terms when Township Council holds its reorganization meeting on New Year’s Day.
The Township Council reorganization meeting, which starts at 2 p.m., will be held at the East Windsor Township Senior Center at 40 Lanning Boulevard. The public is invited to attend.
The oaths of office will be administered to the three newly re-elected Township Council members. Then, Township Council will choose a mayor and a deputy mayor from among its members.
Township Council also will conduct routine reorganization business, such as appointing the municipal attorney, the Municipal Court Prosecutor and the Municipal Court Public Defender.
The mayor and Township Council also will make appointments to the various volunteer advisory boards and committees, ranging from the Commission on Aging to the Economic Development Committee.
Appointments also will be made to the township Planning Board and the township Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The mayor also will appoint Township Council liaisons to the Environmental Commission, the Municipal Alliance Committee, the two volunteer fire companies and the rescue squad. A Township Council member also will be appointed to serve as a representative on the RISE board.
A reception and refreshments will follow the reorganization meeting.