Foundation continues support for Marlboro schools

MARLBORO – A $25,344 donation from the Marlboro Educational Foundation has been presented to the Marlboro K-8 School District Board of Education and will be used to fund programs and projects across the district.

The Marlboro Educational Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization that was established in 2000 to enhance the quality of education in the school district by promoting community participation in school programs and providing additional funds to ensure educational excellence and innovation. The foundation’s administrators said the organization has donated more than $500,000 to the school district.

The most recent donation will be used for the following programs:

  • The David C. Abbott Early Learning Center received $585 for an assembly called “Wacky Science”
  • The Asher Holmes Elementary School received $900 for ukelele supplies
  • The Defino Central Elementary School received $500 for supplies for the “Teaching Through Games” program and $1,350 for supplies for chicken hatching projects
  • The Frank J. Dugan Elementary School received $645 for an assembly called “Lenape Lifeways,” $1,091 for online services for Hearbuilder Online, $1,586 for an assembly called “Radical Robotics,” $1,350 for supplies for a chicken hatching project, $810 for an assembly called “Living Voices,” $355 for an assembly called “Mad Science” and $2,922 for supplies for the “STEAM into PE” program
  • The Marlboro Elementary School received $900 for ukelele supplies, $391 for supplies for a “Math and Science in the Garden” program, $645 for an assembly called “Lenape Lifeways” and $1,350 for supplies for a chicken hatching project
  • The Robertsville Elementary School received $910 for supplies for the Robertsville Garden and $900 for ukelele supplies
  • The Marlboro Middle School received $1,965 for online services for “Gizmos Interactive Science Simulation,” $1,400 for an assembly called “Unique Game Show,” $942 for supplies for the school’s garden and $500 for an assembly called “Mark it with a Stone”
  • The Marlboro Memorial Middle School received $1,500 for an assembly called “Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson,” $476 for subscriptions to “Math Magazine,” $1,134 for supplies related to Google Cardboard Virtual Reality for the seventh and eighth grades and $235 for dues and fees relating to the Destination Imagination program.

Representatives of the Marlboro Educational Foundation attended the board’s Dec. 19 meeting when the acceptance of the organization’s donation was on the agenda.

School board President Debbie Mattos recognized them for their efforts on behalf of the school district, saying, “We are very grateful to the Marlboro Educational Foundation for all their donations to the children of our school district.”

Later, said added, “Last year was the marking of $500,000 awarded (by the foundation) to our students. At our last meeting, we approved an additional $25,000 worth of grants from the foundation. We appreciate all the hard work and dedication the trustees give to create further opportunities for innovative learning experiences.

“We would also like to thank the teachers who take the time to fulfill the process of applying for these incredible grants. It has been my pleasure to be a part of a community that cares and goes above and beyond for our children of Marlboro. I look forward to hearing the wonderful continuation and successes of the Marlboro Educational Foundation,” Mattos said.

Superintendent of Schools Eric Hibbs addressed the foundation’s representatives and said, “Thank you for all you do; everything from wine tasting events to Bingo nights, you do so much to give back to our children … $25,000 (in donations that evening) is beyond significant.”