Gordon concludes service on Millstone school board

MILLSTONE – Administrators and members of the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education have recognized the departure of a longtime member of the board.

Margaret Gordon left the board at the end of 2017 after serving since 2007. Gordon, who was the longest-tenured member of the board prior to her departure, did not seek re-election to a new term in November.

At her final meeting on Dec. 11, Gordon was presented with plaque in recognition of her service from Superintendent of Schools Christopher Huss.

“During her tenure, Margaret has been involved with hundreds, if not thousands of important decisions that have greatly improved the learning experience for the children of Millstone, as well as the facilities throughout the district.” Huss said.

“She was part of the team which opened [the Millstone Township Middle School]. She was instrumental in making a successful budget appeal to the commissioner of education and also successfully helped refinance the district, which in turn saved millions of taxpayer dollars.

“Margaret led the team which greatly improved the safety and security of the schools, including adding cameras to all three buildings and making the entryways more secure,” Huss continued. “She was also instrumental in the construction of the athletic fields at the middle school.

“Margaret was integral in the passing of the [Millstone Township Primary School and Millstone Township Elementary School] roof referendum last year, and she helped the district pass multiple budget votes throughout her years. … The number of choices Margaret has made to improve the quality of our schools and the education Millstone students receive is immeasurable,” the superintendent said.

Huss joked that Gordon’s greatest decisions as a board member were supporting his hiring as the middle school principal in 2014 and his appointment as Millstone’s superintendent in 2017.

“In all seriousness, I am extremely grateful for all of your [Gordon’s] years of service and your tireless dedication to this community,” Huss said. “You, your thoughtfulness and your commitment to the students will be greatly missed.”

Gordon reflected on her service as a board member.

“That same day [I came on the board], my husband burnt down our backyard and my daughter threw up for the first time in her life,” Gordon said. “That was a very memorable day. We also averted a $1,000 fine on the burning.

She thanked members of the community and the district’s administrators for their support during the time she served on the board.

Gordon said she considered the hiring of Business Administrator Bernard Biesiada to have been a significant positive move for the district. She noted the work she did in the area of contract negotiations with the district’s teachers.

“I have been on a number of negotiation teams and I have to say this last one was unbelievably rewarding to see what we could do for teachers here, both in the classroom and financially,” Gordon said.

To her fellow board members, she said, “I have had the pleasure of working with every one of you. I have challenged every one of you. I have recruited everyone. I really appreciate it and it’s been great. I can’t say I will miss it just yet, because I am leaving when I need to leave, but I wish everybody well and keep up the good work.”