Kayla J. Marsh

University Outing Club announces plans for trips in 2018

The University Outing Club will gather for a pot luck luncheon and hear a lecture on the influence of the sea level rise on horseshoe crabs to kick off the New Year.
Also in January, trips are planned to Monster Mini Golf and the Zimmerli Art Museum. In February, the group will tour Skylands Manor, Kearney Cottage, the New Jersey State Museum and the D&R Canal trail.
With spring’s approach, trips are set for the New York City Public Library, a flamenco concert, a trail walk, the Mahwah Museum, a canal walk and the Stickley Museum.
Dues are $20 per year for individuals, $30 for couples/families. The club’s newsletter, The Cairn, is sent to all members three times a year and contains details for each trip.
For more information, visit www.universityoutingclub.org.