Scouts attain rank of Eagle

Freehold Township Boy Scouts Mitchell Bundschuh, 18, Andrew Vernon John DePass, 18, and Malcolm Duke 18, have reached the highest rank in scouting and will receive their Eagle Scout awards during an Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony to be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Freehold, at 1 p.m. Jan. 7.

The rank of Eagle Scout is attained by less than 1 percent of all those who begin the journey through Boy Scouting, according to a press release.

Mitchell is the son of Tom and Andrea Bundschuh, Andrew is the son of Dr. Anthony and Patricia DePass and Malcolm is the son of Brian and Pamela Duke. The young men are members of Freehold Boy Scout Troop 18.

Mitchell’s Eagle Scout project saw him make improvements to the historic 1880s West Freehold schoolhouse and the surrounding structures on the Wemrock Road property. His project included repairs to the schoolhouse well, outhouses, border fencing and front porch.

Mitchell is a senior at Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, and will be attending the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., next fall. He plans to pursue a degree in civil engineering.

Andrew’s Eagle Scout project benefited the First Presbyterian Church in Freehold. Andrew guided the expansion of a prayer garden at the church with the addition of three concrete benches, the trimming of trees and other landscaping improvements.

Andrew is studying biology at Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Conn., and is a member of the university’s orchestra, playing the tuba and trombone.

Malcolm’s Eagle Scout project consisted of cutting and painting posts that will be used as markers to create an orienteering course at Monmouth County’s Turkey Swamp Park in the Nomoco group activity area in Freehold Township. His efforts will provide visitors an opportunity to learn how to find their way with a map and compass.

Malcolm is a member of the Boy Scouts Order of the Arrow. He plans to join the U.S. Navy upon graduation from Freehold Township High School.

In recognition of their accomplishments, the boys will receive commendations from local governing bodies and civic organizations, according to the press release.