Humanists to discuss Second Amendment Jan. 14 in Red Bank

The Red Bank Humanists, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to secular humanism, will hold a discussion on the Second Amendment on Jan. 14.

Entitled “A Humanist Exploration of the Second Amendment”, the discussion will be moderated by Stephen Michell and Brian Leifman, according to Red Bank Humanists Vice President Tracy Lagan.

The event will be held on Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Red Bank Charter School, 58 Oakland St. Admission is free and all members of the public are invited to attend.

According to Lagan, Michell is a past president of Red Bank Humanists and a current member of the board of directors, and Leifman is a long-time member.

“[Leifman] is interested in Second Amendment issues because he would like to see a safer world for his kids to grow up in,” Lagan said.

Topics to be discussed at the event, according to Lagan, include the purpose of the Second Amendment, how it is relevant today, why people keep guns, what regulations work to reduce the harm of guns, and what control is possible and how that can change.

The Red Bank Humanists will be collecting toiletries, gloves and mittens for Project Homeless Connect, a one-day, one-stop event that provides resources and information to people who are at risk or experience homelessness in the community, according to Lagan.