McNaboe will serve as mayor of Manalapan

MANALAPAN – Republican Township Committeeman Jack McNaboe will serve as Manalapan’s mayor during 2018.

McNaboe was elected mayor when the members of the Township Committee held their 2018 reorganization meeting on Jan. 5 in the municipal building.

In Manalapan’s form of government, residents do not directly elect a mayor. Every January, the five members of the governing body select one committee member to serve as mayor for the year.

During the reorganization meeting, McNaboe and Republican Susan Cohen, who were the winners in the Nov. 7 election, took the oath of office and began serving new three-year terms.

New Jersey Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno administered the oath of office as Cohen and McNaboe were joined by family members.

Cohen has served on the committee since 2007, with the exception of 2011. She served as mayor in 2012, 2013 and 2017.

McNaboe has served on the governing body since 2013. He previously served as mayor in in 2015.

Republicans have a 4-1 majority on the committee for 2018. The GOP members are Cohen, McNaboe, Committeewoman Mary Ann Musich and Committeeman Kevin Uniglicht. The lone Democrat is Committeeman David Kane.

When the committee began the business of the day, Cohen nominated McNaboe to serve as mayor and he was elected in a 5-0 vote. McNaboe then nominated Cohen to serve as deputy mayor and she was elected in a 5-0 vote.

In keeping with tradition, each member of the committee offered remarks as the new year for Manalapan’s government got underway.

“It was an honor serving as mayor in 2017,” Cohen said. “We are in good hands with Mayor McNaboe for 2018. There is a lot to be accomplished this year and I would not want to do it with any other team. I look forward to working with everyone on the challenges that come in 2018.”

“I have complete confidence that 2018 will be a great year for Manalapan,” said Musich, who specifically acknowledged the efforts of the police department and the township’s professional staff. “I will do my best for all the residents of Manalapan in 2018.”

During his remarks, Uniglicht thanked all of the residents who volunteer their time and energy to serve on the numerous boards that address a variety of issues in the community – everything from the Board of Health, to the Shade Tree Committee, to the Manalapan Township Television Network.

Kane offered his congratulations to Cohen and McNaboe, who won new terms in the November election. He said he is looking forward to serving on the Planning Board in 2018.

Kane asked residents who have concerns about anything that is happening in Manalapan to reach out directly to their elected officials and not to rely on social media for their information about municipal business.

Addressing residents, McNaboe said, “It is a real honor to know I was chosen by the voters to do this job” as a committeeman.

McNaboe thanked Guadagno for once again attending the reorganization meeting. He said the lieutenant governor, who will leave office on Jan. 16 after eight years, “has been a great friend to Manalapan. She has my support in whatever she decides to do in the future.”

The committee members reappointed Roger McLaughlin to serve as township attorney and reappointed Greg Valesi of CME Associates to serve as township engineer.