Metuchen council has new leader

METUCHEN — The Metuchen Borough Council has reorganized with new leadership.

Councilwoman Linda Koskoski was nominated to serve as council president during the reorganization meeting on Jan. 1 at Borough Hall.

“I’m honored to have been selected by my fellow councilmembers for borough council president,” she said. “I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and getting to work with Mayor [Jonathan] Busch and our very dedicated and hardworking council.”

Councilman Ronald Grayzel had previously serve as president for two years and as acting interim mayor when former Mayor Peter Cammarano resigned on Dec. 4 and confirmed his nomination for Governor-elect Phil Murphy’s chief of staff.

Also during the reorganization meeting, Councilmen Reed Leibfried and Todd Pagel were sworn in to the three year term seats that they won in the November election.

Leibfried is serving his second term and Pagel is serving his first elected term.