Sayreville secretary retires after 10 years of perfect attendance

SAYREVILLE – After 12 years of service to the Sayreville School District and 10 years of perfect attendance, a staff member has retired from the district.

The retirement of Linda Kudrak became effective on Jan. 1 after it was honored by the Board of Education at a Dec. 19 meeting. At the time of her retirement, Kudrak last served as a part-time secretary at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School.

According to Superintendent of Schools Richard Labbe, Kudrak joined the district in 2005 as the part-time secretary at the Samsel Upper Elementary School and moved to the Sayreville Middle School in 2007. She became Eisenhower Elementary School’s part-time secretary in 2012.

“Whether working in a school with children in kindergarten through grade 3, the more mature fourth and fifth grade students or the grown-up middle school students, Linda greets all of the students with a smile, and greets them by name,” Labbe said. “Her amazing ability to remember every student’s name, their parents and some tidbits of knowledge about the child’s life endeared her to the students and parents alike at each school that she worked at.

“Faculty members can always rely on Linda for a smile, a funny story and a solution to their problem, whether it was getting someone to cover their class, finding a substitute for a day or two or making an emergency copy. The faculty knew they could always count on Mrs. Kudrak,” he continued. “[Then-Principal Edward] Aguiles at the Eisenhower Elementary School would tease Linda about her love for the cold weather. And Linda’s response would always be that she never gets sick. And it must be true. In her 12 years as a part-time secretary she had 10 years of perfect attendance.

“Mrs. Kudrak is a professional whose services will be truly missed,” Labbe said. “We wish her a healthy retirement as she starts her new career as a part-time caretaker of her beautiful grandchild. On the behalf of the administration, faculty and support staff, as well as our students, we congratulate Mrs. Kudrak on her retirement and wish her nothing but the very best in everything that she does. More so, we thank her for everything she has done for all of the students that she has worked with over the many years while serving our district in such an impeccable manner.”