Township, school board agree on rock salt deal

MILLSTONE – Approximately $100,000 worth of rock salt will be sold to the Millstone Township K-8 School District by the municipality.

On Dec. 20, Township Committee members passed a resolution ratifying the purchase of granular sodium chloride treated with liquid magnesium chloride and sodium chloride (rock salt). According to the resolution, the committee sought to award a contract for a salt mixture and special rock salt mixture from an authorized vendor under the Monmouth County cooperative program.

The resolution states that the cost for the materials was not to exceed $100,000.

After passing the resolution for the contract, the committee passed a resolution authorizing a commodity resale agreement between the township and the Board of Education for the resale of rock salt. The agreement became effective Jan. 1.

Through the resolution, the creation of a commodity resale system known as the Township of Millstone/Millstone Board of Education Rock Salt Resale was authorized by municipal officials. The township will serve as the lead agency, according to the resolution.

The resolution authorizes the mayor and clerk to enter into a contract with the school board for the sale of the rock salt.

In other business, the committee passed a resolution authorizing $8,014 to be paid to TLP Climate Control Systems Inc. to satisfy a claim.

According to the resolution, TLP Climate Control Systems performed services on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system at the township’s historic Baird house without a written agreement. After the services were performed and materials were installed, the company presented a claim in the amount of $16,029.

In lieu of having the HVAC system removed or litigation initiated, township officials entered into negotiations to arrive at a settlement for the work performed and the materials supplied by the company. The parties ultimately agreed that $8,014 is a reasonable settlement based on the services provided and the materials installed, according to the resolution.

And, committee members passed a resolution authorizing the Friends of Millstone Township Historic Registered Properties to seek grants and administer capital improvement projects at historic sites in the township.

The authorization was made because municipal officials want to seek grants for improvements to historic properties and the Friends wish to seek a grant on behalf of the township, according to the resolution.