PENNINGTON: Pennington council elects Lawver as its president in reorganization meeting

Two newly-relected Pennington Borough Council members were sworn into office and openings on advisory boards and committees were filled Monday night at the governing body’s reorganization meeting.

Borough Council members Glen Griffiths and Catherine “Kit” Chandler were sworn into office by Borough Attorney Walter R. Bliss Jr. for three-year terms. Councilman Joseph Lawver was chosen to serve a one-year term as Borough Council president.

Then, it was down to the routine business at the reorganization meeting.

Walter R. Bliss Jr. was appointed to serve as the Borough Attorney, and Craig J. Hubert was appointed to serve as the Pennington Borough Municipal Court prosecutor. Richard Kelly was appointed to serve as the Municipal Court public defender.

Nicholas Angarone and Mark Blackwell were appointed to four-year terms on the Planning Board, and Art Firestone was named to a three-year term on the Environmental Commission. John Jackson was appointed to the Open Space Committee for a three-year term.

At the Economic Development Committee, Chris Murphy, Jeff Eckerson and Robert Hall were appointed to one-year terms, and Christina Nash was named to fill an unexpired term that ends in 2021. Kevin Ryan was appointed to a five-year term.

Brett Margulis, Susan Confrey, Jonathan Bowden and Eva Tramontana were appointed to three-year terms on the Parks and Recreation Committee.

Toni Lewis and Susan Perris were appointed to three-year terms on the Board of Health, and Kate Fullerton was named to a five-year term on the Shade Tree Commission.

At the Historic Preservation Commission, Natalie Shivers was named to a four-year term and Robert Bolten was appointed to a two-year term as an alternate member. The terms of David Coats and Chris Czvornyek were corrected to end in 2020, and Hannah Williams’ term of appointment was corrected to expired at the end of this year.