The Edison Public Library will hold computer classes in February and March. Registration begins one week prior to each class. To register call 732-287-2298 ext. 2.
The Main Library will offer classes from 2:30-4 p.m. On Feb 6, there will be a class on computer basics, Feb. 13, mouse skills, Feb. 20, how to buy a computer, March 13, Word 1 for a beginner and March 20, Word II for intermediate. The Main Library is at 340 Plainfield Ave.
The North Edison Branch will offer classes from 2:30-4 p.m. On Feb. 8, there will be a class on Excel 1 for the beginner, Feb. 14, Excel II for the intermediate, Feb. 22, Excel III for the advanced, March 1, Word 1 for the beginner, March 8, Word II for the intermediate, March 15, Powerpoint I for the beginner, and March 22, Powerpoint II for the intermediate. The North Edison Branch is at 777 Grove Ave.
For more information visit and click on events.