Grant would support Millstone municipal alliance

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has authorized the submission of a strategic plan to assist with funding for a local organization.

On Dec. 6, committee members passed a resolution authorizing the strategic plan for a grant for the Millstone municipal alliance. The grant will be for fiscal year 2019 and will consist of $20,000 from the federal Drug Enforcement and Demand Reduction Fund, $15,000 in-kind (any asset other than cash) and a $5,000 cash match.

The alliance is formally known as the Millstone Township Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse. Members of the alliance work to spread awareness of drug abuse and seek to prevent it from occurring in the community.

According to the resolution, the Township Committee has applied for funding to the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse through Monmouth County.

The resolution states that the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse established municipal alliances for the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse in 1989 to educate and engage residents, local government and law enforcement officials, schools, nonprofit organizations, the faith community, parents, youth and other allies in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse in communities throughout New Jersey.

“The Township Committee recognizes that the abuse of alcohol and drugs is a serious problem in our society amongst persons of all ages and therefore has an established municipal alliance committee,” the resolution states. “The Township Committee further recognizes it is incumbent upon not only public officials, but upon the entire community to take action to prevent such abuses in our community.”

In other business, the committee passed a resolution authorizing the execution of a shared services data license agreement with Monmouth County for a geographic information system (GIS) for aerial imagery.

According to the resolution, Millstone officials wish to enter into a shared services agreement with the county for the provision of aerial imagery technology services which will assist the municipality.

The shared services agreement between the township and the county will obligate Millstone to pay a one-time fee of $1,800 to Monmouth County as part of a GIS data license agreement.

Mayor Michael Kuczinski and committee members Bob Kinsey, Gary Dorfman and Nancy Grbelja voted in favor of the resolutions. Deputy Mayor Fiore Masci was absent.