HILLSBOROUGH: Trump steps in it once again

To the editor:

This past week our president has landed in the news, but again not for a good reason. President Donald Trump continues to use vulgar language about non-white people, this past week in particular when he called African nations, El Salvador, and Haiti “shithole countries.”

By saying that America should accept more immigrants from Norway, not people from Haiti who he previously said “all have AIDS,” Trump is upsetting countries and being outright racist. It feels like we have taken a big step backward from a time of acceptance under former President Barack Obama, to a time of division due to skin color under the current administration.

When Haiti, El Salvador, and the African continent responded and rightfully stood up for their countries, many Americans wanted to stand up with those leaders and tell Trump that people are people and we think those countries are full of beautiful people who have dreams just like we do. Ethnicity divided people for so many years and by having a president make comments like the ones Trump made, we build a wall up between America and other countries. Who wants to do business with a country that calls their country a “shithole” or that says their people are “criminals and rapists,” which is what Trump said about Mexico and its citizens.

Trump’s comments continue to make him an infamous political leader, but as he continuously makes these racist comments, many Americans have begun to come together to combat this racism.

Megan Hollasch
