Freehold council salutes officer for lending support in Puerto Rico

FREEHOLD – A Freehold Borough police officer has been recognized for providing assistance in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of storms that severely damaged the island.

Sgt. Diego Flores, who has been employed with the Freehold Borough Police Department for 12 years, was deployed to Puerto Rico in November to assist the U.S. territory as it recovers from Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria, which struck Puerto Rico weeks apart. Flores was in Puerto Rico from Nov. 4-18.

Flores’ deployment, along with the deployment of other police officers from the United States, was financed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Police Chief Glenn Roberts said Flores traveled to the island on his own initiative.

Flores was invited to speak about his experiences before the Borough Council and members of the public at the Jan. 16 meeting of the governing body.

The officer said the hardest part of the journey was leaving his family. He said his primary assignment on the island was assisting law enforcement authorities with traffic control. The assistance was needed because the storms caused a loss of power to traffic lights.

“We were there directing traffic from sun-up to sundown,” he said.

Flores and other officers who made the trip assisted in other ways. One trip led them to a small elementary school that had no electricity and no running water.

“It was tough on us being there, so we know it was tough on the students,” he said.

The officers’ time in the school allowed them to locate families who needed assistance the most. Flores said meals and school supplies were collected and delivered to the school. He said he has remained in contact with the school’s director.

Flores said the residents seemed optimistic despite the circumstances they are facing as Puerto Rico continues its recovery from the devastating effects of the storms.

“There was a lot of devastation there, but everybody’s spirits were extremely high given the circumstances. Everybody was grateful and thankful for the help they received,” he said.

“It was the best experience I’ve had,” Flores said. “I went there as a Freehold Borough police officer to show that Freehold Borough, a small town in New Jersey, is here to assist them. I am very thankful to have gone down there and helped.”

The officer’s efforts earned praise from the mayor and council members.

“We are very proud of Sgt. Flores’ service in Puerto Rico,” Mayor Nolan Higgins said after the meeting. “He responded to a critical need for support and service to assist the residents of Puerto Rico.

“Sgt. Flores left his family for two weeks to help the Puerto Rican people when they were in desperate need of assistance. We are very grateful for his service and the support of our police department during his time in Puerto Rico.

“I am sure he will always remember his time there and those who benefited from the services provided by Sgt. Flores and the entire unit which deployed from Monmouth County departments,” Higgins said.

Council President Sharon Shutzer thanked Flores’ wife, Sandra, who is also a Freehold Borough police officer, for supporting her husband’s travel to Puerto Rico.