Monmouth County moves forward on Tennent Road upgrades

MANALAPAN – Tasks associated with planned improvements on Tennent Road have been given the green light by the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders.

On Jan. 25, the freeholders passed a resolution authorizing the acquisition of right-of-way for the construction of Phase 1 road improvements to Route 3 (Main Street/Tennent Road) between Route 527 (Millhurst Road) and Kensington Drive/Woodland Circle in Manalapan. The project area is about 3 miles long.

Route 3 and Route 527 are county roads.

According to the resolution, the Phase 1 construction of the Tennent Road improvements will require the acquisition of approximately 50 fee simple parcels, 60 permanent easements and 30 temporary easements.

The freeholders authorized the expenditure of $850,000 for title searches, appraisal and legal services, and compensation for the acquisition of the needed properties. The acquisitions can include the taking of property through eminent domain, according to the resolution.

The freeholders previously said a contract for the construction of the first phase of planned improvements on Tennent Road in Manalapan could be awarded this spring.

County officials previously said that due to the length and scope of the project, the improvements will be constructed in three separate contracts to minimize the overall disruption to traffic on Tennent Road.

The purpose of the project is to relieve congestion and improve the safety along Tennent Road for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians, according to county officials.

Plans are to widen Tennent Road to provide a 36-foot-wide typical section south of the Craig Road intersection and a 40-foot-wide typical section north of the Craig Road intersection. These sections provide one 12-foot-wide travel lane and either a 6-foot or an 8-foot wide shoulder in either direction, according to a press release.

The preferred alternative includes the replacement of eight bridge/culvert structures, the installation and/or reconstruction of five intersections that have a traffic light, the reconstruction of an at grade railroad crossing, utility relocations, storm water management facilities and the design of additional features such as a guide rail, curbing, drainage and lighting, according to the press release.

Additional turning lanes, the upgrading/replacement of existing traffic signal equipment and traffic signal timing improvements are proposed at the Millhurst Road (Route 527), Freehold-Englishtown Road (Route 522), Craig Road and Taylors Mills Road intersections with Tennent Road. A new traffic signal is proposed at the intersection of Tennent Road and Church Lane, according to the press release.