Millstone officials adjust contract for park’s concession building

MILLSTONE – Municipal officials have authorized an increase in the amount of a contract covering the first phase of work at Millstone Park.

Millstone Park is a 186-acre recreation facility that is being developed on Red Valley Road.

Township Committee members have authorized a $9,600 change order in the contract that was awarded to JNP Excavating for the construction of a concession building at Millstone Park during the first phase of development. The change order increased the original $497,000 contract to $506,000.

According to a resolution, the increase was the result of required changes on the concession building. The resolution states that this is the final change order.

According to municipal officials, the first phase of the park’s development consists of site work and grading, the construction of a park building and the installation of lighting on three general purpose fields.

In addition to the contract with JNP Excavating, the committee awarded a $3.42 million contract to Meco Inc. for site work and grading, and a $532,000 contract to Quality Electrical for the installation of lighting on the three playing fields.

The committee subsequently authorized three change orders with Meco Inc. which decreased the contract to its current amount, $3.382 million.

The committee adopted an ordinance in 2016 appropriating $4.5 million for the first phase of improvements at Millstone Park and authorizing the issuance of $3.3 million in bonds or notes to finance part of the appropriation.

Township officials have said Millstone Park will have nine general purpose fields which can be used by any sports program. Six fields are planned to have lights.

The park building will have restrooms and a kitchen serving facility, but no stoves. Cooking will be provided by a portable food cart as needed.

Other features at Millstone Park are expected to include a trail that can be used for walking, jogging and horseback riding, and a boat-accessible pond that can be used for fishing and irrigation, according to township officials.

Officials said they do not expect Millstone Park to be in use until the fall of 2018.