Middletown committeeman resigns for freeholder seat

Gerry Scharfenberger resigned from the Middletown Township Committee in order to assume his duties as a member of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholder.s

Scharfenberger resigned as committeeman on Feb. 3, according to Middletown Public Information Officer Tara Benson.

Two days later on Feb. 5, according to Middletown Mayor Stephanie Murray, Scharfenberger was sworn in as a freeholder by Monmouth County Clerk Christine Hanlon.

“I personally will miss him because I would call him everyday as a county representative now, but I congratulate him as becoming a freeholder. He will do a wonderful job as he has done for Middletown and he will continue to put Middletown first within the county as he has always done being a great representative us [and] advocate for the things that we do. I wish him the best,” Committeeman Anthony Fiore said.

The Middletown Township Republican Committee will provide three candidate’s names to the Township Committee, which will then appoint a new committee member, according to Murray.

According to the Middletown Township Republican Committee Chairman, Peter Carton, the newly appointed committee member will serve the remainder of Scharfenberger’s term, which will end on Dec. 31.

Carton said he is hoping to supply the committee with three candidate names before its next meeting on Feb. 20.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].