Policies address student registration, school security position

MARLBORO – On Feb. 27, residents will be able to weigh in on proposed changes to the Marlboro K-8 School District’s policy regarding a student’s entrance age and transfers into the district.

The Board of Education will meet that evening in the district’s administration building in the municipal complex.

The revised policy states that “No child shall be admitted to kindergarten who has not met the age requirement of this policy.”

A section regarding first grade entrance has been amended to state that “a child shall have attained the age of 6 on or before Oct. 1 of the school year in which entrance is sought and has completed the kindergarten program of this or an equivalent program elsewhere and has been recommended for advancement to the first grade.”

The policy previously allowed a child with no prior school experience to be placed in a grade at the superintendent’s discretion. A portion was eliminated that gave consideration if a student was in first grade in another public school or in a private school.

The policy now includes a section regarding students of different grades seeking to transfer into the district.

The section for kindergarten transfers states, “A child whose family is legally domiciled in Marlboro, who was not eligible by reason of age for admission under the district’s admission policy of Oct. 1 of that school year and is currently enrolled in a public sector or private school program, will not be accepted on transfer to kindergarten during the school year.”

The section for first grade transfers states, “A child whose family is legally domiciled in Marlboro, who has completed a public or accredited private school kindergarten, who was not eligible by reason of age for admission under the district’s entrance age policy of Oct. 1 of that school year, will be assessed for first grade readiness.

“The district will consider the information/recommendation supplied from the previously attending school district. The child must be completely registered for kindergarten prior to this assessment. Ultimate placement of the child will rest with the administration.

The section for second through eighth grade transfers states, “A child, whose family is legally domiciled in Marlboro, who has completed a public or accredited private school in grades one or higher, who was not eligible by reason of age for admission under the district’s entrance age policy of Oct. 1 of that school year, will be assessed for grade level readiness.

“The district will consider the information/recommendations supplied from the previously attending school district. The child must be completely registered of the age appropriate grade level prior to this assessment. Ultimate placement of the child will rest with the school administration.”

In other business, a public hearing will be held on an addition to the district’s policy relating to security. The policy will include a new paragraph that will allow the superintendent of schools to designate a school administrator as a “school safety specialist” to the district.

According to the addition, “The school safety specialist shall be required to acquire a New Jersey Department of Education school safety specialist certification. The school safety specialist shall also serve as the school district’s liaison with local law enforcement and national, state and community agencies and organizations in matters of school safety and security.”