County will add Upper Freehold parcel to Crosswicks Creek Park

UPPER FREEHOLD – The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders is acquiring land to expand a popular destination in the westernmost portion of the county.

On Feb. 22, the freeholders passed a resolution authorizing the acquisition of a 25.5-acre parcel on Route 537 in Upper Freehold Township that will be added to Crosswicks Creek Park. The property is owned by MMAS Realty, LLC, and will be purchased by the county for $1.15 million (approximately $45,100 per acre), according to the resolution.

The freeholders accepted a recommendation from the Monmouth County Board of Recreation Commissioners to purchase the property for county open space preservation, natural resources conservation and public park and recreation purposes, according to the resolution.

The funds for the purchase are covered under the Monmouth County Open Space, Recreation, Floodplain Protection, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund.

Crosswicks Creek Park is a 2,277-acre park in Upper Freehold. Most of the park forms a narrow corridor of land around Crosswicks Creek. Another 2,700 acres of surrounding farmland is preserved by the county and state farmland preservation program, according to the Monmouth County Park System.

The park includes Historic Walnford at 62 Walnford Road and consists of a large home built in 1774, a 19th century gristmill and farm buildings. The property was the home of the Waln family.

Crosswicks Creek begins near Fort Dix in Burlington County, travels up the northeast corner of Ocean County, meanders 7 miles in Monmouth County, becomes the dividing line between Burlington and Mercer counties and finally empties into the Delaware River, according to the park system.

Crosswicks Creek offers hiking, canoeing and fishing, with access provided at three small parking areas:

• Hutchinson Road, Allentown. Informal trails (primarily mowed field edges) take visitors through the fields and forest edge of this former horse training track.

• Route 537 (Monmouth Road), Upper Freehold. This parking is an access point for paddlers, who will need to carry their canoe/kayak from the lot to the water. Guests are advised that Crosswicks Creek has many portages (mostly fallen trees).

• Province Line Road, Allentown. While this site does not provide access to Crosswicks Creek, it has its own “fishing hole” and some informal trails (primarily mowed field paths).

Areas in the park open at 7 a.m. daily, year-round. Closing time is 6:30 p.m. through March 10; 8 p.m. March 11 through April 15; and 8:30 p.m. April 16-29.