Jamesburg, Monroe, Spotswood receive funding for transportation improvement projects

The New Jersey Department of Transportation Municipal Aid program will award state aid to Jamesburg, Monroe and Spotswood for roadway improvement projects.

The Woodland Road and Front Street project in Jamesburg will receive $875,000. Pedestrian and roadway improvements at Daniel Road and 10th Street has $475,000 allotted. Improvements to Brunswick Avenue in Spotswood will see $490,000.

The program will award $161 million total this year, which is more than double last year’s amount, according to information provided by Assemblyman Daniel Benson (D-14), chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee, after his funding announcement on Feb. 20. Almost 90 percent of the state’s municipalities will receive grant funding for local projects – the largest in state history – from the Transportation Trust Fund.

“Additional transportation funding is always welcomed in not only our district but in all counties throughout the state. We are all working hard to keep property taxes down and our roadways in the best condition,” Benson said in the statement. “This is the largest allotment of municipal aid funding in state history for transportation projects and it will be crucial to helping keep our roads safe.”

Under the Municipal Aid grant program, each county is awarded a share of the total funding based on population and the number of local centerline miles. Municipalities submit applications based on a specific project. Applications are screened by a committee comprised of municipal engineers and DOT staff appointed by the commissioner, according to the statement.