South Asians invited to day of wellness at East Brunswick Library

Cancer Support Community Central New Jersey will sponsor a day of wellness on March 3 at the East Brunswick Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center.

The program is part of CSCCNJ’s South Asian outreach initiative, which is made possible by the Shri Krishna Nidhi Foundation.

Individuals will be able to participate in sessions focused on stress reduction, nutrition and education. Workshops include breathwork yoga, focusing on using the power of the breath to enhance the body and mind; the nutritional benefits of South Asian “superfoods” and a health question-and-answer period with a medical oncologist.


To register for the wellness program, visit For more information about support programs and services at CSCCNJ, call 905-658-5400.

The program is offered through East Brunswick Library’s Just For The Health Of It! consumer health and wellness information initiative. To learn more about health resources at the library, visit