Author’s talk at Marlboro library will focus on journalism exploits in many nations

MARLBORO – A journalist who covered events around the world will discuss her career at the Marlboro Public Library, Wyncrest Road, at 10:30 a.m. April 11.

Carol Abaya of Marlboro is the author of “Riots & Revolutions – Travels of the Very First Female Journalist to …”

Abaya’s career took her to countries such as India during the 1962 Chinese invasion; Indonesia during the 1963 anti-Malaysia campaign and the 1965 Communist revolution; and the Philippines during the 1972 anti-government demonstrations and subsequent coup.

In 1967, Abaya was the only American journalist to travel through all of the Israeli occupied territories after the Six Day War.

In an interview, Abaya said she traces her love of writing to the fifth grade, when she wrote for a class newsletter. She said her love of the written word became more pronounced in high school, and from that point on, she pursued journalism.

After completing her master’s thesis at New York University – the topic of her thesis was the communist rule of a southern state in India – she traveled to that nation.

Abaya has focused on American intelligence and how that intelligence has not been properly used in nations such as Cuba, Iran and Iraq.

“My first thought about the theme of the book was that we did not connect the intelligence dots properly, but the book became more about the people I met, the countries, the cultures and the values. People’s basic values are still tied to the Ten Commandments.

“Wherever I traveled, the people were friendly and willing to share whatever they had with me, whether they were rich or poor,” she said.

Abaya will elaborate on her adventurous life and sign copies of her book, which will be available for $15. Individuals interested in attending the event are asked to call the Marlboro Public Library at 732-536-9406 beginning April 1 to register for the program.

On April 13 at 10:30 a.m., Abaya will speak about “Riots & Revolutions – Travels of the Very First Female Journalist to …” at the Applewood retirement community in Freehold Township. For more information about that event, call 732-303-7416.