Eric Sucar

Reader: We will not stand for the murder of our children

Last month, bullets again ripped through a school, killing innocent students and teachers who had every right to expect they would be safe inside this place of learning. In 2017, 2,239 people were wounded or killed in mass shootings, and as most people know by now, this latest atrocity was the 30th mass shooting in 2018.

We, the members of Indivisible of Monroe Township, are horrified by this continued assault on our children. We are not offering “thoughts and prayers.” We are asking for action, now. And what we are asking is simple:

Expand background checks for gun sales, including private firearm sales and purchases at gun shows. Make it illegal for those convicted of violent crimes and suspected terrorists to buy guns. Ban the sale of assault weapons. Fund research on the causes and impact of gun violence. Prevent the passage of HR 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, passed by the House and currently in committee in the Senate.

We urge our fellow New Jersey citizens to join us in contacting our legislators, both state and federal – write, call, visit their offices- to send the message that we will not stand for the murder of our children. Start with these New Jersey House members who have voted to loosen gun restrictions: Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11), Leonard Lance (NJ-7), Frank LoBiondo (NJ-2) Tom Macarthur (NJ-3) and Chris Smith (NJ-4).

Indivisible of Monroe Township’s mission is to promote a progressive agenda and ideals and to effect change through legislative advocacy and community outreach. By working together, we can effect change.

Irene Linet
Rona Malkin
Indivisible of Monroe Township