Resurfacing project along Route 27 begins

A resurfacing project will require alternating daytime lane and shoulder closures along Route 27 between Bridge Street in Metuchen and Frederic Street in Edison.

The $3.3 million federally-funded paving project will resurface approximately three miles of Route 27 in both directions, rehabilitating the existing pavement which is exhibiting various types of cracking and deterioration, according to information provided by the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

In addition, certain signalized intersections within the Route 27 project area will receive safety improvements such as American Disability Act curbs, new signal heads, pedestrian signals, push buttons and traffic cameras. The intersections are Bridge Street, Lake Avenue/Central Avenue, New Street, Main Street, Grove Avenue, James Street/Parsonage Road and Evergreen Road/Route 657.

DOT contractor Intercounty Paving Associates, LLC is expected to complete the project later this year.

Motorists are encouraged to check for real-time travel information, or follow DOT on Twitter @NJDOT_info.