Sayreville’s newest police officers carry on family traditions

SAYREVILLE – Four new police officers have joined the Sayreville Police Department.

Joseph Bartlinski, Patrick Brennan, Jamie Unkel and Keith Gotta were sworn in as the borough’s newest officers on Feb. 26.

Before the oaths of office were administered, Police Chief John Zebrowski spoke about the officers and noted they all have family who have served as police officers.

“We really have a wonderful opportunity to meet our four newest officers,” Zebrowski said. “Law enforcement is one profession where you can kind of count on tradition and generational tradition. Police service is probably just like the fire department where you see more than one generation of families take up the call. And tonight, that’s exactly what we’re seeing on four different individuals, whether it’s father to son, uncle to nephew, brother to sister or brother-in-law to brother.

“So, it’s nice to know that the four individuals we’re swearing in tonight want to be here and want to serve you [the Sayreville residents],” he continued. “That is, to me, the greatest compliment we can ever get. And they can continue that generational effect as well by doing it here. It’s nice to know that they’re always going to have a watchful hand behind them from their relatives, but I also know that [from] the type of individuals [who] they are, they’re going to want to set out and create their own individual profile. And hopefully, at some point, they’ll continue that generational effect as well.”

After Zebrowski’s comments, the oaths of office were administered by Borough Clerk Terry Farbaniec.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Sayreville Police Department’s newest members,” Mayor Kennedy O’Brien said following the swearing-in procedure.