Scott Jacobs

Vandals damage field at Brandywine parcel

MILLSTONE – A suspect has been identified in an incident that has left a sports field in Millstone Township unusable for several months.

Township Committeeman Fiore Masci said a section of the Brandywine Fields, 160 Stillhouse Road, was damaged when an individual allegedly drove over the field in a circular motion (known as a “donut”) earlier this month, leaving tire marks behind.

Masci said there was a witness to the incident who identified the suspected individual and the vehicle that was used to cause the damage.

Municipal officials are seeking to have the individual, whose name has not been released, prosecuted. They are also seeking to have that person reimburse the township for the cost of repairing the damage that was done to the field.

“We are really glad we had a witness,” Masci said.

As a possible strategy to deter future incidents of this nature from occurring, Masci said  officials are looking at installing surveillance cameras at parks and playing fields.

As a result of the damage, that field will be unusable for about six months, according to Masci. The cost to repair the field was not known as of March 19; an estimate is being put together by the Department of Public Works.

Gary Mason, the president of Millstone United Travel Soccer, said the damaged field is primarily used by the Recreation Department’s soccer program and by the travel soccer club.

“It is extremely disheartening and disturbing that anyone would think it is funny or amusing to destroy property and to ruin a venue used by our children,” Mason said. “The field that was damaged is now unusable and must be repaired, which will take time and expense. A 30-second joyride has resulted in significant damage to our fields and has sent ripple effects through our soccer program and the township.”