Reformed Church Home

Kate Shepard, executive director at Reformed Church Home, has announced the skilled nursing center has received Providigm’s Advanced Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Accreditation for 2017 for the Home’s dedication to actively performing Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement activities. Less than 2 percent of the skilled nursing facilities in the country have achieved this advanced level of QAPI accreditation.

Earlier this year, Reformed Church Home was named one of the Best Nursing Homes for 2017-2018 by U.S. News & World Report, a nationally recognized publication that annually evaluates and rates health-care providers across the country. The award recognizes consistent performance in national quality measures, along with meeting certain performance standards such as earning at least four stars in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services overall rating for all 12 months of the reporting period. Reformed Church Home exceeded this standard by earning five stars in overall rating and other categories assessed by CMS.

Advanced QAPI Accreditation is designated by independent accreditor Providigm, LLC, and confirms that Reformed Church Home is continually assessing issues that affect the residents’ quality of life (such as pain, dignity and variety of choices) and quality of care (such as weight loss, infections, rehabilitation following acute injury or illness, adequate staffing, and prevention of hospital readmissions.)

Reformed Church Home is a highly respected, not-for-profit health-care community in Old Bridge that offers assisted living, rehabilitation, skilled nursing, and respite care to seniors of all faiths and beliefs. The Home consistently has been awarded 5-star Quality of Care ratings from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services each quarter since inception of the program in 2008; has been recognized for outstanding annual surveys from the state Department of Health; received the Embracing Quality Award from Providigm (2013-2015); and named Best of the Best Assisted Living Community in Middlesex County (2013-2017). For additional information, please contact Andrea Walls, director of marketing, at 732-607-9230, or visit