
Police seek public’s assistance for identifying Saturday burglary patterns

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Police are asking for the public’s assistance in reporting any unusual activity on Saturday evenings.

Detectives have identified five burglaries to homes over the past month in the township that appear connected.

In each case, the suspect(s) kick in a front door or pry open a rear window. In one case, a suspect unscrewed motion lighting at the rear of the home prior to breaking in. Once inside the home, the suspect(s) ransack the residence looking for cash and jewelry, according to information provided by the South Brunswick Police Department.

In all of the cases the residents were out for the evening, police said.

“We are following leads and working with other law enforcement from across the state. We are asking residents to be extra vigilant on Saturdays and not to hesitate to call us for anything unusual. No lead or piece of information is too small for us to follow up,” Detective Sgt. Mike Pellino said in the statement.

Thus far, the burglaries have taken place on Rocky Hill Road, Marc Drive, Curtis Court, Larkspur Drive and Pointer Place.

“The cases are spread out around town, but they all share the same day and time period,” Pellino said.

Anyone who has information or observes unusual activity should call 732-329-4646.