Eric Sucar

Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office announces D.A.R.E. police academy this summer

The Middlesex County Sheriff’s Department will hold its first-ever Drug Abuse Resistance Education Junior Academy this summer for fifth and sixth grade county residents.

The program will include a complete D.A.R.E. program as well as a junior police academy. The daily routine will resemble academy-like scheduling: mornings will consist roughly of roll call, platoon formation, D.A.R.E. lessons and lunch; afternoons will consist roughly of drill, demos, police lessons and physical training.

The program will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, July 9-20, at the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Training Center, West Patrol Road, Edison.

The cost is $100 per child, which includes a t-shirt, ball cap, water bottle, handouts and a graduation party at commencement. Recruits will be responsible for their own lunches and snacks, as well as their own “gym style” shorts and sneakers.

Spaces are limited. Checks and completed forms are due by the end of April.

For more information, contact Sheriff’s Officers Tracey Miello or Rob Galiardo, or Sgt. Frank Sautner, at 732-745-3372 or 732-745-5909 to schedule a pickup time for the full packet.