Milltown resident sells home due to water/sewer rate increase

After watching another utility rate increase imposed by the Republican-led Milltown Borough Council and mayor at the meeting on March 26, I couldn’t remain silent any longer.  At the meeting, the mayor and Republican council members voted to impose another water/sewer rate increase on Milltown residents. The current rate hike, coupled with the last increase from May 2017, results in a 40% increase in water and sewer. My water/sewer bill was $800 per year; it will now be $1,040.

This new rate hike is in addition to the annual tax increases. At the time of the 2017 water/sewer increase, the Republican Borough Council told us that it was necessary to address a deficit caused by operating increases and, also, to provide a cushion to prevent future increases.  This clearly was not true – due to either their misinformation or mismanagement.

As a 30-year resident of Milltown, the outrageous spending of the current mayor and Republican council has forced my wife and I to sell our house and leave my hometown. It was a decision that neither of us wished to make; however, we just can’t afford to live here with the reckless spending of the mayor and the current Republican administration. I fear that many senior citizens and other residents on a fixed income will be forced to follow us. Additionally, I am concerned with the frequency of bonding (borrowing) for these million dollar projects. What will happen when our sewers fail? We may be unable to secure the funding necessary to address these issues.

Sadly, the mayor and the Republican council members don’t seem to care. I can only hope that my friends and neighbors who remain in town come to their senses before it’s too late.

David Renda