Volunteers sought to ‘Adopt-A-Spot’ in East Windsor cleanup program

Community groups and organizations that feel the need to do some spring cleaning – and summer and fall cleaning, too – can satisfy the urge by “adopting” a public property in East Windsor Township under the Adopt-A-Spot program.

More than a dozen groups have already done so, Mayor Janice Mironov said, but there are a few public properties that have not yet been claimed through the Adopt-A-Spot program. The program is sponsored by the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee.

Groups that adopt a public property are expected to visit the site and clean it at least three times per month, Mironov said. The program begins in April and runs through November.

“At this point, the East Windsor Adopt-A-Spot program has 14 participating groups for 2018,” Mironov said. “For the most part, their spots are municipal parks and municipal building properties.”

Although the cleanup program is underway, there are still some “orphan” properties that have not been adopted. These locations include the Etra Lake Park path, the Etra Lake Park fitness trail, the Turnpike Park and path, the Disbrow Hill Park playing fields areas, and the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 location on Twin Rivers Drive.

“The Adopt-A-Spot program is a great program in not only ensuring public areas in our community are well maintained, but it is a wonderful educational tool for teaching our young people social responsibility and community pride,” Mironov said.

She said it is also a great way to volunteer and give back through community service, since cleaning the sites helps to keep the township litter-free and more environmentally healthy.

Last year, participants in the annual program included Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, Cub Scout packs, Brownie and Daisy troops, and the East Windsor Township Police Athletic League. Groups from Beth El Synagogue and St. David’s Episcopal Church took part, as did Wells Fargo Bank and the Casciano family, Mironov said.

For more information or to participate, send a letter to the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, attn: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.