Republicans Walsh, Richmond, Russo seek nomination to run for Howell council

HOWELL – One incumbent and two newcomers have been named as the Republican ticket to seek three four-year terms on the Howell Township Council in 2018.

Republicans Bob Walsh, Pamela J. Richmond and Thomas Russo are expected to be confirmed as their party’s nominees in the June 5 primary election and move on to the general election in November. Walsh is a current member of the governing body.

Republican council members Robert Nicastro and Pauline Smith are not running for re-election.

In announcing the candidacies of Walsh, Richmond and Russo, Republican Municipal Chairman Juan Malave said, “The Howell Republican Party is delighted to have such a talented team of candidates for this year’s election.

“The combination of their collective experiences make them the ideal team to represent all of the people in Howell. Tommy, Pamela and Bobby each bring unique perspectives and insight which will make them extremely effective. As the community gets to know them over the course of this campaign, I know they will come to find them as extraordinary as I do. They are perfectly suited to help lead our community,” Malave said.

Walsh said he is excited to be running with Russo and Richmond. He said his running mates “bring a new level of energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas to Howell. I believe my years of experience, combined with their new ideas and fresh perspectives make us a great team.”

Walsh has lived in Howell for more than 25 years and has held office for more than 12 years as a councilman and mayor. He is a married father of three adult children. Walsh is president of Patriot Mortgage. He is active with the Howell Chamber of Commerce and charitable organizations.

“I have been truly blessed to serve in Howell for many years and I take the job very seriously. I never take for granted what I am here to do: work for the people of Howell and do the best I can to make decisions that benefit our residents. I have never wavered from this goal and I am proud of the many things we have achieved over the years. I know there is more to be done,” Walsh said.

Russo is a lifelong Howell resident and currently serves on the Planning Board. He is a 2005 graduate of Howell High School where he was member of the varsity wrestling and lacrosse teams. Russo is an attorney in private practice in Monmouth County. He resides in the township with his wife, Amanda.

“I could not be more honored to have been selected by the Howell Republican organization as one of our candidates for council. Howell is my home and after graduating from law school, there was only one place I wanted to live and raise a family and that is here in Howell,” Russo said.

“I believe deeply in community service and I care about the issues facing the township. So rather than sit on the sidelines, I look forward to the prospect of bringing a fresh perspective to the council and helping to keep Howell a safe, affordable and quality place to live, work and raise a family. I look forward to the campaign and sharing my values and ideas with our community. I am up for the challenges ahead,” he said.

Richmond is the mother of two children and has been a resident of Howell for eight years. She is employed as a special education job coach in Freehold Township. Richmond has been the PTO president at the Aldrich School and is now the vice president of the PTO at Howell Middle School South.

“I am not an experienced politician. I had been a stay-at-home mom and recently went back into the workforce. As a single parent, I know the challenges families face every day and I will apply a very common sense approach to dealing with the issues facing our
community,” Richmond said.

“I really enjoy trying to make a difference. While I am new to politics, I can say that each day I look forward to the challenges of being a parent and I also will welcome the challenges that will arise from this opportunity,” she said.


Walsh, Russo and Richmond are expected to face Democrats John Bonevich, Kristal Dias and Paul Dorato in the November general election.