Drunk-driving simulation was successful, thanks to all who participated

To the editor:

On April 12, juniors and seniors at Princeton High School witnessed a very realistic and graphic simulation of a drunk-driving car crash. The event, which is presented every other year, sent a powerful message—drinking and driving can be lethal, and lives can change in a matter of seconds.

Many organizations and people are to be thanked for their support and cooperation. The Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad, under the direction of Frank Setnicky; squad member Greg Paulson, who narrated; the Princeton Police Department and Chief Nick Sutter; the Princeton Fire Department; Mather Hodge Funeral Home; and Stewart Towing were all instrumental in coordinating this major undertaking. Kurt Zimmerman of the Princeton High School Media Department; Shannon Koch, who prepared the student actors for their roles, complete with frighteningly real-looking injuries; Tony Diaforli and the district grounds crew; the PHS Guidance Department; Gwen Kimsal, Student Assistance Coordinator; Assistant Principal, Angela Siso Stentz; and Principal Gary Snyder were invaluable.

The actors, who were all members of Princeton High School’s SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) chapter, are to be commended for doing a remarkable job. They, and their peers, are the reason why so many people came together to work on this project. It is hoped that every student who saw the horrifying simulation will remember to always stay safe and sober, particularly during the prom and graduation seasons ahead. May we in Princeton never experience this tragedy in real life.

Wendy Jolley
