Pisar, Henry seek nominations for mayor in South Amboy

SOUTH AMBOY – A Republican candidate and South Amboy’s current Democratic mayor are seeking their party’s nomination in the June 5 primary election for the right to square off in the November general election.

Republican Peter Pisar and Democrat Fred Henry will be unopposed in the primary.

Henry has served as mayor since 2010. He served on the City Council from 1992-2010. Henry was not available to speak about his bid for another term as mayor.

Pisar said he is running for mayor “for several important reasons, and I believe voters should strongly consider me. I want to work with as many people as possible to move South Amboy forward.

“For too long, our city’s leaders have stifled economic growth. As a result, South Amboy remains locked in a deep sleep, only dreaming of what it could become. South Amboy can be improved, but we need tangible solutions for redevelopment that will benefit every resident and visitor.

He said taxes are too high compared to what citizens receive in return.

“I want to provide residents with a transparent picture that shows where their hard-earned tax dollars are spent, and where their taxes should be going,” he said.

He also noted the opioid/heroin drug epidemic that is sweeping through communities across the country.

“Three years ago I ran to become county sheriff and I began speaking about this drug problem. I spoke with parents, former and current addicts, health professionals and those in law enforcement. Many people said they did not feel enough help was available. Unfortunately, they still feel this way,” Pisar said.

In other election news, Democrats Mickey Gross and Christine Noble are seeking their party’s nomination on June 5 to run in November. Gross is the council president and Noble is a councilwoman at large. No Republicans filed nominating petitions to run for council.