HILLSBOROUGH: County prosecutor and police academy to hold personal safety program for high school seniors

High school seniors planning on leaving their parents homes for the first time or entering into the work force will soon have an opportunity to take a personal safety course from some of Somerset County’s prominent law enforcement officials.

The “Personal Safety for High School Seniors” program is being described by officials as a program to “prepare our graduating seniors with an additional life skill set, namely, the ability to identify potential real-world safety concerns and to provide suggestions and training on how to respond to those situations.”

For three hours on Thursday, May 31, up to 50 high school seniors will learn about “victimization, predators, situational awareness…and basic unarmed defense techniques,” among other topics, from members of the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office and the Somerset County Police Academy.

The Police Academy is operated by the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office in cooperation with the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office and the Somerset County Association of Chiefs of Police.

According to officials, the free May 31 session will start at 6 p.m. at the police academy section of the Somerset County Public Safety Center, located at 402 Roycefield Road, Hillsborough.

Attendees will be asked to dress in loose, comfortable clothing, bring some writing implements and a bottle of water, since the program will be both informative and interactive.

Pre-registration for the evening event is required by Friday, May 25. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend.

Registration for the program can be done at www.somersetcountypoliceacademy.com. Click on the “community events” tab and then click the tab “Personal Safety for High School Seniors.”

For more information, contact Detective Brian Giannini, Somerset County Police Academy at 908-541-5038 or [email protected].